I just got back from a helluva Comic-Con. I saw some old friends, met some great new ones, ate great food, drank beer, ate gelato, finished and showed the first sequential pages I've done in years!

I picked up some great software advice from Durwin Talon, one of my true mentors, and shared a funny story about my good friend Jeremy Mullins with one of his old students, Rashad Doucet. I saw a ton of celebs, showed work to Nickelodeon, Cartoon Network, and Disney Ink, and even went to a casting call for a friggin' reality show!
I went into this year's Con in a different place mentally. Having recently been made painfully aware of just how precious life is, I was in kind of a "don't care, just enjoying life " mood; I didn't stress (much), and I 'll admit got a lot more enjoyment out of the entire experience. What's funny is that I put some pretty decent work out there, and made some decent networking moves to boot. I even helped my new friend Natacia Manabusan with fleshing out a great business idea she has. While I do regret that my friend Lee wasn't there this year, and would've liked to hang out with my boy Zak a bit, it seems that the Comic-Con I went into sweating the least turned out to be one of my best.
Go Figure, huh?